
Friday, December 26, 2014

Who knows what the new year holds? Certainly none of us

Experts have their comforting predictions, but nobody, nowhere, is forewarned and forearmed about what’s comingEight years ago this Boxing Day was the first time I felt the baby kick. Although it didn’t feel like a kick, exactly: more the slow bubbling of porridge on a rolling boil. “He won’t be a rugby player then,” someone joked, and silently in my head I corrected he to she. For deep down, I already knew instinctively the baby would be a girl: I can’t explain how, but I just knew. And that’s the story of how I came to have a son.For the trouble is humans mostly can’t predict things for toffee. Not even when there’s an almost 50/50 chance of being right, not even when they are indisputably on the inside track. History is littered with supposed dead certs that didn’t happen – Greece leaving the Euro, the premature collapse of the coalition – and wholly unimagined events that came to pass. Continue reading...