
Monday, December 15, 2014

Visiting Amphipolis Tomb: Ten Things to Do in Greece’s Newest Archaeological Heaven

Amphipolis Travel Guide: As the area of Amphipolis is getting international attention, we present you with ten things to do around modern-day Amphipolis and in the area near the recently discovered ancient Greek tomb. The traditional Greek villages and nature with unprecedented beauty that surround the tomb make for a great 3-day trip. A Brief History of Amphipolis Amphipolis was founded in 437 BC by the Athenians. It was situated between the navigable Strymon River and Mount Paggaion — rich in shipbuilding timber and precious metals — not far from the sea, and at a crossroads of main land routes. After its capture by Philip II in 357 BC, it became a Macedonian stronghold, and as the site of a royal mint it evolved into a powerful military and financial center. It was here that Alexander the great and his army gathered to prepare before they conquered the then known world. Although the area looks like an archaeological park, it was the recent discovery of the Macedonian tomb at Kasta Hill that brought vast tourist interest. Here are ten things to do to discover important parts of the Alexander the Great-era civilization while enjoying Greek hospitality at its finest. The Amphipolis Tomb at Kasta Hill This is the latest finding of the area and the most popular one. As the tomb’s archaeological excavation is still in progress there is limited access to the area, but it still gives you an idea of the scale of this unique monument. You can drive to the site, passing through Mesolakia village and then following the road to the hill. The Ancient Walls of Amphipolis The Ancient City of Amphipolis was enclosed in large walls to protect its residents. The walls were discovered in the 70’s by Greek Archaeologist Dimitris Lazarides. Many parts of the wall can be seen today and they are definitely worth a visit. The Ancient Bridge This ancient bridge in which also ancient Greek historian Thucydides refers to in his works, was also discovered by Dimitris Lazarides. Its dimensions are 13.40 x 9 m and Thucydides related the events of the Battle between Kleon and Vrasidas in 422 BC with this bridge. The Ancient Greek Tomb of the Fox You could call this burial the little sister of the tomb at Kasta Hill. It is located at a very close distance from the recently discovered monument and when you visit it you will get an idea of the Macedonian tomb architecture. The legend says that it was discovered because a fox used to hide inside, and when the locals decided to find the animal that was threatening their chicken-farms they stumbled upon the tomb. Amphipolis Gymnasium Another great archaeological finding that can be visited at Amphipolis is the Ancient Gymnasium, the only one excavated in Macedonia. Leon of Amphipolis The famous Leon of Amphipolis, that sits on top of Kasta Hill is located 5 kilometers outside of modern-day Amphipolis. Its size and attention to detail is impeccable and a sign of the civilization of the era. It is said that this statue is one of the three lions Alexander the Great himself had commissioned to be made. Archaeological Museum of Amphipolis The Amphipolis Archaeological Museum contains many items related to the history and civilization of Amphipolis dating from the Archaic to Christian periods. Its exhibition halls exhibit the cultural history of Amphipolis from prehistoric times down to the Byzantine period. Stay at Kladi Elias & Wonder around Mesoropi On mount Paggaio, and a short 25-minute drive from Amphipolis there is the village of Mesoropi. The village through which passes river Nidrios, is situated 350 meters above sea level at 35 km west of the town of Kavala. Besides walking on its narrow roads, seeing its marvelous old houses and visiting the old tobacco building, it offers the best hotel accommodation in the area at an old family stone house that was turned to a boutique hotel named “Kladi Elias.” Kladi elias offers big pleasant suites, with modern decoration. On the first floor of the hotel the owner operates a family-restaurant that serves local dishes accompanied by a selection of local wines. Mount Paggaio and its Famous Waterfall Mount Paggaio, which is known for its natural beauty, is only 30 minutes away from Amphipolis and 10 minutes away from Mesoropi. It offers many hiking trails to discover and opportunities to observe wild life. To reach its famous waterfall from Amphipolis, enter the Egnatia highway and take the exit for Moustheni. You will pass through Moustheni and follow the road to the mountain. At the end you will see the path entrance that after an hour walk through Mount Paggaio will lead you to the waterfall. Visit Moustheni and eat at Bostani Moustheni is a beautiful village with stone houses and narrow streets that is definitely worth a visit. In Moustheni, you will also find Bostani, one of the best traditional Greek tavernas in the area. After a hike at the Paggaio Waterfall, a visit at Bostani to try some of the best local dishes is a must. If you like meat ask for their special pork steak, be careful it’s huge.