
Sunday, December 21, 2014

Venizelos Proposes Agreement of ‘National Prudence’

Government Vice President and PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos in his article in Real News Sunday newspaper, proposes an agreement of national prudence if the national consensus is impossible” and re-tabled his proposal for election of Greece ‘s President of Republic and establishment of a national negotiation team with the participation of all the forces of the democratic arc. The aim is, he says “to secure within the deadlines the country’s major interests” and underlines that “of course in democracy there are no impasses, but always looms the possibility to democratically choose the impasse even from inertia. This is something the Greek citizens should not allow to happen.” Finally, Venizelos set four questions on whether the country wants to turn page with the precautionary credit line, to remain safe and automatic the relation between the Greek banks and ECB, to transform IMF’s program that ends in 2016 into a program of precautionary character and to develop our partners’ commitment for further reduction of the debt or otherwise adventures with dangerous results. (source: ana-mpa)