
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Uber’s Arrival in Greece Causes Fights Between Taxi Drivers

Taxi Union Association of Athens (SATA) President Thymios Lymberopoulos lashed against taxi drivers who decided to collaborate with Uber, an American transport company that recently expanded to Greece. With two posts on SATA’s official Facebook page, Lymberopoulos expressed his dissatisfaction in regards to Uber’s expansion and said that any taxi driver who works with Uber is a traitor and should be hanged, “not from a fig tree but in Syntagma square.” “Taxi drivers who work with Uber are an enemy to this industry,” he noted, adding that “we need to protect the thousands of families that make their living from our profession. Any taxi drivers who become traitors to the profession, like modern Judas, need to be hanged.” Lymberopoulos declared war on Uber saying: “The war has just began and it is a war for survival.” He also noted that many taxi drivers have just started working in the industry temporarily and they are the ones who are siding with Uber because they don’t care about the profession and their colleagues. Meanwhile, the Facebook page administrator wrote a third post noting that the American company lost one battle when they had to backtrack on their plans to employ private vehicles. “They attempted to expand their company under the radar, trying to catch us in our sleep. They are cowards,” he wrote, advising the company to return to its base in San Francisco.