
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Two Greek Projects Left Without European Funding

The European Commission has officially rejected two projects regarding Athens’ regeneration. According to the documents that were submitted to the Greek Parliament by the Infrastructure Ministry, the Operational Infrastructure, Transport, Environment and Sustainable Development Program for the period 2014-2020 was presented on November 28 without the pedestrianization of Panepistimiou Street in central Athens and the Faliro Bay redevelopment. In fact, the ministry document stated that the new operational program “does not include the redevelopment of Panepistimiou Street and Faliro Bay, after Greek authorities spoke with the European Commission representatives, who expressed their reservations regarding the projects mentioned above.” On November 23, there were several rumors, according to which the European Commission had rejected these projects, because they were deemed unnecessary. The European Commission sent an ultimatum to the Greek government, demanding the exclusion of the two projects from the new NSRF. The Commission claimed that “decorative projects” should not be funded during a period when resources are limited and the completion of the country’s trans-European networks, as well as other higher priority projects are still pending. However, the document submitted by the Infrastructure Ministry to the Greek Parliament stressed that the Athens regeneration projects would not be forgotten. Greek authorities are planning on arranging a consultation with the European Commission in order to highlight the projects’ viability and development value in regards to tourism, but also for the environmental improvement of life in the Greek capital.