
Friday, December 19, 2014

Tsipras to Reuters: We Will Cancel Austerity Measures, Discuss Debt Cut

SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras told Reuters that Greece will stay in the euro zone and Europe should erase a big part of the sovereign debt, if his party forms government. He also said that austerity measures will be cancelled and the debt will be renegotiated. Tsipras spoke to Reuters at the party headquarters in the aftermath of the first ballot in the presidential election procedure. Parliament failed to elect president of the Hellenic republic and snap general elections are getting closer. The opposition party is leading steadily in opinion polls. “Regarding the debt and the loan agreement which we will renegotiate: We have no intention to make unilateral moves unless they force us to make unilateral moves although I believe that no one will force us to make unilateral moves because no one will benefit from such a development, in the heart of Europe,” the SYRIZA chief told Reuters. His government will put an end to austerity measures because they are not good for Greece and the EU countries in general. He also added that he expects Europe to hold a “tough” stance in the beginning. The Syriza leader also ruled out cooperation with the New Democracy-PASOK coalition to avoid elections. He believes that he can get a wider political consensus after national elections.