
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Troika Insist on Strict Demands

Through an email sent late last night, the troika of international creditors continue to insist on their strict demands and are stalling the final review date. Greece ‘s latest proposals include raising the value added tax on hotel services to 13 percent from 6.5 percent and eliminating early pensions. Athens sent a 50 page proposal to its creditors on Sunday, expecting a formal response on the final review date. However, the International Monetary Fund representatives demand more measures to close an estimated fiscal gap of 2.5 billion euros in next year’s proposed budget and they also want to see a new bill on security funds. Greek officials estimate that the troika will return on Saturday, meaning that Greece will not have the signed agreements at hand to go to the Eurogroup on December 8. If Greece misses that deadline, the bailout program may continue for another six months. Meanwhile, speaking at an American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce conference, Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said, “I cannot accept unreasonable demands. We are at the end of 2014 and nobody has the right to treat us like they did two-and-a-half or four years ago, when everything was collapsing.” “We are ready for a final agreement and we can achieve it if everyone really wants to move on,” said Samaras, adding, “I will not allow anyone to torpedo the successes that have been achieved through the sacrifices of the Greek people. I say this to a domestic audience and abroad.” So far there has been no official response to troika’s email. Coalition officials will meet again today to discuss the next move.