
Friday, December 12, 2014

Thirty-Five Car Pileup Near Athens; One Dead

A pileup with some 35 vehicles occurred at around 6:30 pm today on the 61st kilometer of the National Road connecting the capital city of Athens with the town of Lamia in central Greece, a small distance from the old toll station of Schimatari. According to the first information, one woman lost her life and many more were injured, while three suffered heavy injuries. All wounded drivers and passengers were immediately transferred to the hospital of Halkida. The first reports from the scene reveal that the young woman died due to heavy injury while she was being transferred to the hospital, while larger hospitals in Athens are already standing by in order to host those suffering various injuries. Furthermore, as the Greek Fire Department stated, the cars involved are more than 35, including a public bus carrying students and a lorry. Eight ambulances, a mobile first aid unit and a large number of firemen arrived on the scene a few minutes after the incident, which, according to some drivers, was partly caused due to the heavy rain and deficient traffic signing, as road works are being performed during the last six months.