
Monday, December 15, 2014

The 10 Most Important Things In The World Right Now

Good morning! Here's what you need to know for Monday. 1. A gunman is holding an unknown number of people hostage in a cafe in Sydney and forcing them to hold up a black flag with white Arabic writing in the window.  2. For the first time, a climate change deal has been made that commits every country in the world to reducing fossil fuel emissions.  3. Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pledged to increase wages a day after his election victory. 4. A spokesman for the French Interior Ministry said ride-booking service UberPop will be banned in France starting Jan. 1.  5. Police arrested protesters in Hong Kong as the last remaining pro-democracy site was cleared after more than two months of demonstrations.  6. Sierra Leone has banned Christmas and New Year's celebrations to prevent the spread of Ebola.  7. One of the last six northern white rhinos in the world died Sunday at the San Diego Zoo.  8. Greece's finance minister Gikas Hardouvelis said a failure by parliament to elect a president by the end of the month will hurt growth in 2015.  9. Denmark will file documents to the United Nations on Monday to claim a continental shelf in the the Arctic Ocean.  10. An executed Chinese teenager was declared innocent 18 years after being convicted of murder and rape.And finally ... The latest leaked Sony emails revealed that Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Adams were paid less than their male co-stars in 2013's "American Hustle."Join the conversation about this story »