
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Statements of Party Leaders After 2nd Round of Greece ’s Presidential Election

Each deputy will be faced with the Greek people’s anxiety in the third round of the election for a President of the Republic, Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said after the end of the second round. Samaras also called on all deputies to consider their responsibilities and not lead the country to a national adventure. Main opposition SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras, said “Neither the parliament nor the people will offer to Mr. Samaras a blank cheque to continue the memorandum and to implement the prior actions of the austerity that cut the pensions, increase the price of the medicine and loot the society. The country will turn the page in the New Year. We will succeed with democracy, a strong mandate for real negotiation and optimism.” “The Greek people should be certain that hope returns. With Christmas and the country’s liberation from the policies imposed by the foreign conquerors. They have nothing to be afraid of. The smile will return,” Independent Greeks (ANEL) leader Panos Kammenos said after the end of the second round of the presidential elections. “ANEL party is standing and will continue to stand on its feet,” he stated. He also clarified that there will be no leak from the Independent Greeks in the third round of Greece ‘s Presidential elections. He added that Independent Greeks deputy Maria Kollia-Tsaroucha was absent from the voting because of health reasons, clarifying that she remains adamant on her position not to vote for President. Democratic Left (DIMAR) deputies’ refusal to vote for the government proposal on the presidential election translates into their refusal to contribute to the continuation of the current policies, DIMAR leader Fotis Kouvelis said in a statement. “The place and the society need to turn the page. Political change is necessary,” Kouvelis added. Kouvelis also confirmed discussions with SYRIZA saying “I replied to Alexis Tsipras’ phone call,” adding: “We have asked for a policy framework agreement and an extended conference to discuss all issues of progressive governance.”