
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Poll: Greeks Want SYRIZA Gov’t and Samaras as Prime Minister

As SYRIZA leads the opinion polls steadily, Greeks seem to prefer Antonis Samaras as Prime Minister, according to the latest poll published by Pulse on behalf of Action24 TV channel. According to the new poll, the leftist opposition party leads with a 27.5 percentage over ruling New Democracy at 23 percent. PASOK has picked up, as it gathered 7 percent of the participants on vote intention. Potami (The River) follows close behind at 6.55 percent, Golden Dawn at a relatively low 6 percent compared to previous surveys, The Greek Communist Party (KKE) remains steadily at 5.5 percent, Independent Greeks (ANEL) is at 3.5 percent, the Democratic Left at 1 percent, and other parties combined at 5 percent. The difference between SYRIZA and New Democracy is offset by the opinion on who is more suitable for prime minister. Participants showed a preference for Antonis Samaras (32 percent) and put SYRIZA chief Alexis Tsipras second (28 percent). However, 61 percent believe that SYRIZA will win the elections while only 26 percent believe New Democracy will achieve that. Also, 38 percent believe that the political instability is not good for the economy and the negotiations with Greece’s lenders, while 13 percent of participants believe that the current political climate in Greece is good for the negotiations with the troika. On the subject of premature elections, 50 percent prefer not to have them and 42 percent are in favor. As for the SYRIZA talks with international banks and funds in London, public opinion is divided whether the talks helped SYRIZA’s positions or not.