
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

One in Three Athenians Travel Daily by Bus

Buses are the most preferred means of transport for Athens residents, according to a new survey that shows that one in three Athenians takes the bus on a daily basis. The survey was conducted by Public Issue on behalf of the Greek branch of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). It was ahead of the Greek mass transport organizations collaboration with WWF in launching an awareness campaign to promote public transportation for a cleaner environment. The promotion will feature a giant panda. According to the poll, 33 percent of Athens residents prefer to take the bus on a daily basis, 31 percent ride the metro, 10 percent take the electric railway between Kifissia and Piraeus, 9 percent ride the yellow trolley bus and only 2 percent use the tram daily. The “blue” buses and trolley buses transport 1.4 million Athenians on a daily basis, according to mass transport authorities of Greece. In Piraeus, 46 percent of residents take the bus daily. The survey showed that there is the potential for more urban residents to use public transport. In Athens, 34 percent of residents use their cars to move around on a daily basis. Another 8 percent move around by motorcycle and 4 percent take taxis every day. The reasons claimed by those not using public transportation are the short distances they have to cover daily (39 percent), lack of convenient public transport routes (34 percent), bus delays (10 percent), infrequent service (7 percent), cost (6 percent), lack of stops or stations (6 percent), lack of integration between different modes of public transport (4 percent), overcrowding (3 percent) and lack of access for disabled passengers (3 percent).