
Saturday, December 6, 2014

New Poll Shows SYRIZA Leading by 5.2%

Leftist opposition party SYRIZA leads in yet another opinion poll in Greece. According to the latest Metron Analysis study, SYRIZA leads over ruling New Democracy by 4.5 percent in voting intentions and 5.2 percent in voting estimate. More specifically, for the study conducted for Parapolitika newspaper, in voting intention, SYRIZA gathers 24.3 percent of the vote against 19.8 percent of New Democracy. The River (To Potami) follows at 6.9 percent, Golden Dawn at 5 percent, the Greek Communist Party (KKE) at 4 percent, PASOK at 3.8 percent,  Independent Greeks (ANEL) at 2.7 percent and ANTARSYA at 1 percent. Other parties gathered a total 3.8 percent, 5.3 percent of respondents said that they will not vote for anyone, 6.7 said they will abstain from the election process, while 16.7 percent said they are undecided as to whom to vote for. In voting estimate, SYRIZA leads at 34 percent versus 28.8 percent of New Democracy, The River follows at 9.7 percent, Golden Dawn at 7 percent, KKE at 5.6 percent, PASOK at 5.4 percent, Independent Greeks at 3.8 percent and ANTARSYA at 1.5 percent.