
Saturday, December 20, 2014

New Greek Poll Shows 7% Lead for SYRIZA

A recent Greek poll showed SYRIZA still in the lead with 7% difference from ruling New Democracy. The vote estimate for SYRIZA stood at 36.5% (38.5% in November) and 29.5% for New Democracy (27% in November). “To Potami” was in third place with 8.5% (same as in November). The Greek Communist Party (KKE) followed with 6% (6.5% in November), PASOK with 6% (5% in November) and Golden Dawn with 6% (same as in November). Independent Greeks (ANEL) gathered 3.5% (3% in November), DIMAR 1% (same as in November), while other parties had a total of 3% of the votes (4.5% in November). As for the projection of victory poll – a question that was focused only on the first two parties – it showed SYRIZA in the lead with 68% (same as in November) against New Democracy with 20% (22% in November). The survey was nationwide and was conducted between December 10 to 17.