
Monday, December 8, 2014

Meeting Between Prime Minister and Father of Hunger Striker Proves Fruitless

The meeting between Greek Prime Minister and the father of hunger striker Nikos Romanos at Maximos Mansion earlier today bore no results. “My son will continue the hunger strike,” said Giorgos Romanos coming out of the meeting. The father of the convicted 21-year-old bank robber had stated earlier today that he did not want to go to the arranged meeting because Premier Antonis Samaras had attacked SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras for singing the praises of “a convicted bank robber with a Kalashnikov assault rifle” the previous night at Greece ‘s parliament. “No solution was found to the problem. They will talk again to come to a solution. What I’m asking for is that my son’s petition is accepted. My son will continue the hunger strike. He is in critical condition. The prime minister did not commit to anything,” said Giorgos Romanos. “As days go by, the possibilities that he will die are increasing, whatever the consequences are for the government,” he added. Justice Minister Charalambos Athanasiou was present at the meeting and stated after the talks: “The prime minister listened to Nikos Romanos’ father as a parent himself. He asked him to support his son so that he stops the hunger strike. I explained the legislation to him, which is one of the most progressive in Europe, especially after the amendment on distance learning. There is nothing more the justice minister or the Greek state can do,” he said. Nikos Romanos has been on a hunger strike since November 10 over the court’s refusal to grant him educational prison leave. He has threatened that he will go on thirst strike as well if the amendment passes.