
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Many Young Greeks Seeking Jobs in their Own Country

A large percentage of young Greeks still wish to find employment in their own country, despite the fact that employment barriers across the world have dropped significantly. Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and The Network, which includes 50 job search websites, conducted a survey in 189 countries regarding the ones where young people would prefer to work. The survey found that a total of 64% of young people across the world would prefer to seek employment in countries other than their own. Meanwhile, the same percentage for young Greeks only reaches 60%, placing Greece in 35th place worldwide. Vassilis Antoniadis, head of BCG in Greece, noted that Greeks showed a higher rate than others in regards to working in their own country. He also added that one of the main incentives for Greeks to choose the perfect work environment is the employer’s appreciation of their work. Therefore, if local companies don’t start paying attention and make changes, they are going to lose many current and potential employees. The study also explored additional incentives that may push young people to a certain job. The salary surely plays a key role to the decision but it is not the only factor. Young people also look for jobs with a friendly environment, where their work is appreciated and their personal life is not pushed to the background. Finally, according to the survey, the three top countries where Greeks would settle for work are the UK, Switzerland and the US, while the top 10 list also includes Germany, France, Sweden, Italy, Canada, Cyprus and Mexico.