
Monday, December 29, 2014

Lunch Buffet

Source: - Monday, December 29, 2014 When Paul Glastris decided to commission Matt Connolly's piece on college football coaching salaries, he didn't know that a sneak preview would appear on the very eve of Jim Harbaugh's return to Michigan for what is likely to be a record-- perhaps $8 million --contract. But it's not remarkable at all for WaMo to be a bit--or in some cases a lot--ahead of the curve. You can't help keep yourself ahead of the curve with a tax-deductible donation in whatever amount you can afford . Thanks! Here are some midday news/views items left over from the Xmas stockings: * At TNR, Danny Vinik explains why Greek elections next month could reignite "Eurozone Crisis." * Fascinating bit of history: Winston Churchill may have considered converting to Islam . * The permanent campaign back on: Politico profiles the top 16 Senate races of '16. * Few illusions of any non-tragic result to the AirAsia flight "mystery." * Krugman argues austerity or the lack thereof explains most of what you need to know about relative economic conditions of various countries at various times. And in non-political news: * The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies big Xmas box office winner . As we break for lunch, here's the title track from Marianne Faithfull's 1979 comeback album, Broken English .All Related | More on Jim Harbaugh