
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Imprisoned Golden Dawn MPs to Vote in Presidential Election

Golden Dawn members that have been in prison for almost a year are expected to be present at the Greek Parliament tomorrow, December 17. The prosecutor has granted them a one-day leave in order to participate in the election process for the new Greek President of the Republic. Specifically Nikos Michaloliakos, Christos Pappas, Ilias Kasidiaris, Yiannis Lagos, Giorgos Germenis and the now-independent MP Stathis Boukouras will be transferred from prison to the Greek House of Parliament. Greek authorities are taking extreme security measures, while many have already expressed their fears about the behavior of Golden Dawn MPs within the Parliament, since Kasidiaris and Iliopoulos have threatened about what they are planning on doing in light of Greece’s presidential election. At the moment, at least 26 Golden Dawn members — including the MPs — are in prison. All 18 Golden Dawn MPs are facing felony charges and their trial is expected to take place at the beginning of the next year.