
Thursday, December 11, 2014

IMF Negotiating Team to Return to Athens in January

The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) negotiating team will return to Athens in January, aiming to successfully complete the sixth Greek bailout review, IMF deputy spokesman William Murray said during a press conference on Thursday at the Fund’s Washington headquarters. “We expect to return with the negotiating team in January. Our intention is to return to Athens in January,” Murray said. Answering many questions on Greece, the spokesman refused to make any comments on the country’s political developments and repeated that the Fund is cooperating with Greek authorities for the completion of the sixth program review. Murray said the IMF is aware that Greece wants to replace the current program with a precautionary credit line, clarifying that the country has not yet made an official request, which may be submitted after the completion of the current review. Asked whether Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras informed IMF chief Christine Lagarde of his political initiatives, the spokesman said he couldn’t confirm this information or whether IMF officials have contacted main opposition SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras. Murray also declined to comment on how the Fund’s visit could be affected if Greece ends up having snap elections in January. (source: ana-mpa)