
Friday, December 26, 2014

Greek Presidential Election: Holiday Backstage Negotiations

Three days before the crucial third parliament voting on the new President of the Greek Republic the Prime Minister Antonis Samaras has come to the conclusion that he will not be able to gather more than 174-175 votes, therefore the government is preparing for national elections. Antonis Samaras’ consuls recommended that the Prime Minister make a last attempt to avoid the national elections, since they will result in uncertainty and will damage the Greek economy. Samaras is likely to make a public statement over the weekend, in order to present the implications that may arise in case of a national election. “Our country comes before any party,” is the message that the Prime Minister wishes to convey. In government it is believed that the Prime Minister did what steps could be done in order to show that in practice believes in the logic of consensus. On the other hand, SYRIZA is confident that the elections will take place so they have already started their pre-election campaign. In fact, SYRIZA has already started making plans about a new left-wing coalition government.