
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Greek Police on Alert for New Terrorist Attack

The Greek counter-terrorism unit suspect that the attack at the Israeli embassy on Friday was the prelude of another, larger terrorist strike. After ballistic tests determined that the two AK-47 rifles that fired at the Israeli embassy were the same guns that shot at the German ambassador’s home in Athens on December 30, 2013, the counter-terrorism unit believe that the Group of Popular Rebels who were responsible for that attack, will strike again. According to Greek media, a counter-terrorism unit officer said, “After the Group of Popular Rebels’ attack against the Israeli embassy, there is the possibility of another, stronger strike. This is why we are enhancing security on possible targets.” Authorities also consider the possibility of a collaboration between the Group of Popular Rebels and Revolutionary Struggle, Nikos Maziotis’ urban guerilla group. Also, they believe that terrorist fugitive Christodoulos Xeros, a bomb expert, may participate in a possible attack. Along with enhanced security, police motorcycle squad DIAS have boosted patrols in downtown Athens where the most possible targets are situated. Counter-terrorism unit officials consider that among potential targets are persons involved in the Troika negotiations or have high positions in financial institutions. Regarding the recent attack, Israeli intelligence members have allegedly arrived in Athens to aid in the investigations. “No one can disrupt the relations between Greece and Israel,” said Public Order Minister Vasilis Kikilias, who visited the scene of the shooting on Friday.