
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Greek PM to Lawmakers: Vote for President or Trouble for Greece

The future of Greece in the euro zone will be at risk unless PMs vote in favor of the president of the Hellenic republic in the ballot that starts today, says the Press release from the office of Prime Minister Antonis Samaras. A few hours away from the first ballot, the Greek premier continues his struggle to convince lawmakers to vote for Stavros Dimas. The official announcement from the Maximos Mansion says that Greece may get in serious trouble if the parliament fails to elect president of the Hellenic republic. “The votes in favor will not be considered as votes in favor of the government, but as a decision to protect the Constitution and in respect of the institution of the presidency of the republic. It will also mean the avoidance of political turmoil that may put at risk the future of Greece in Europe,” says the announcement. The coalition has 155 votes at hand from New Democracy and PASOK lawmakers. It needs 25 more to reach the desired 180 to elect president. Samaras has to draw 25 votes from a pool of 46 MPs: 24 independents, 12 from Independent Greeks (ANEL) and 10 from the Democratic Left. So far, Samaras has secured a few “yes” from independents but, analysts say, the maximum he can get at the moment is 167. Therefore the struggle will have to continue until the third and crucial ballot of December 29. The government hopes that the arguments in favor of the positive vote and political and economic conjunctures between now and that date will persuade more MPs to vote in favor of Dimas.