
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Greek Govt Is Counting the Presidential Election Votes 24 Hours Ahead of First Ballot

Cautious optimism prevails at the Greek government headquarters, just a few hours ahead of the critical first Presidential ballot, while members of the coalition government stress that “the beginning is half the battle.” Therefore, the cabinet members are willing to display the government’s power tomorrow by securing at least ten votes more than the coalition government’s majority (New Democracy and PASOK together have 155 MPs) and reach 165 votes (15 less than needed to elect a new President). In addition, as they leaked to the Greek press, they estimate that nothing is at stake tomorrow as there are two more ballots to come. The last one, to be held on December 29, is characterized as the most critical one for the country’s political developments. Yes, No and Maybe During the last few days, Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras was having consecutive meetings with his close associates, as things are changing day by day. One of them, who wishes to remain anonymous, underlined that the political time until December 29 is enough and the government is optimistic of a positive result, as there are numerous MPs that might change their vote from the first ballot to the third. The strategy to be followed until then depends on the first and the second ballots’ results.