
Friday, December 12, 2014

Greek FM Venizelos Meets with his Turkish Counterpart Cavusoglu

Turkish Foreign Minister Melvut Cavusoglu proposed to Greek Government Vice President and Foreign Minister Evangelos Venizelos to visit together Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades when he returns to Cyprus after his recovery from the heart operation that he underwent in the U.S. On his part, Venizelos called Cavusoglu’s proposal “a very good idea.” The two officials met on the sidelines of the Meeting of Foreign Ministers of BSEC member states in Thessaloniki. The two ministers discussed the de-escalation steps that should be taken regarding the Cyprus issue and Venizelos set the issue of the withdrawal of the Turkish research vessel “Barbaros” from Cyprus’s EEZ, underlining that its presence in the area constitutes a brutal violation of Cyprus Republic’s sovereign rights. The meeting was held a week after the Greek-Turkish High Level Cooperation Council that took place in Athens and Cavusoglu’s presence in Greece in a so short time is indicative of Ankara’s stance. Both ministers commented on the Greek and Turkish positive media reports on the Greek-Turkish High Level Cooperation Council. Venizelos briefed his Turkish counterpart on his trip to Germany and his meeting with German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble and they discussed the developments in the regions and the serious issue of the djihadists. BSEC meeting procedures will be concluded on Friday at noon. Cavusoglu has expressed the desire to visit the Yedi Kule. Later he will visit Alexandroupolis and Komotini where he will hold talks with representatives of the muslim minority. (source: ana-mpa)