
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

German Officials: If Tsipras Proceeds with his Program, EU Will Give No Money to Greece

“Quiet Christmas? Not for Greece and therefore not for the Eurozone either.” This is the conclusion of today’s German newspaper “Die Welt,” which in an article entitled “The election that could plunge the whole of Europe into chaos,” foresees that if the country is driven to snap elections after an unsuccessful Presidential election, would go through “exciting times,” which will also affect the rest of Europe. If Antonis Samaras remains the country’s Prime Minister, the necessary assistance will continue to be provided to Greece, estimate circles close to the German newspaper, as according to them, the Greek Premier has so far shown unique determination for reforms, something that is “rather questionable” for any other political force. Referring to Greek main opposition SYRIZA, “Die Welt” argued that investors are more wary towards Athens, due to the program that SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras has announced. Increases in salaries, cancelation of privitizations, SYRIZA beating the drums and lenders start dancing “is an illusion that could be dangerous not only for Greece but for the whole of Europe,” noted the article. “If Tsipras comes to power and brings those ideas to practice, Greece will no longer receive money from the European Union,” Berlin officials threaten, according to the newspaper, adding that “with no money, Athens would quickly roll to bankruptcy.” “Die Welt” continued with the unbelievable statements of German officials who in a question whether there is a “plan B” in case of a Grexit, replied that there is no need for new plans since “we have the old one, according to which Greece will be isolated by the financial system.”