
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

EU Commission President: By ‘Extreme Forces’ I was Referring to the Extreme Right

“I do not speak Greek therefore I do not know what the Greek newspapers wrote. I cannot understand why the Greek left defends the extreme right.” With these words the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker closed his speech during the debate on the European Commission’s work program, referring to his latest statements regarding his preference over the presence of “familiar faces” in the Greek government that caused main opposition SYRIZA‘s strong reaction and were also criticized by the left wing political coalition of the European Parliament, European United Left, of which SYRIZA is a member. Last Thursday, December 11, Juncker, according to EUobserver, commenting on the upcoming Greek presidential election and the possibility of snap general elections, underlined that “I think that the Greeks – who have a very difficult life – know very well what a wrong election result would mean for Greece and the Eurozone. I would not like extreme forces to come to power.” When asked if by “extreme forces” he meant leftist opposition SYRIZA, he replied: “I would like Greece to be ruled by people who have an eye and a heart for the many little people in Greece and who also understand the necessity of European processes.”