
Monday, December 15, 2014

DIMAR Leader: Party MPs Voting for President are not Apostates

Any Democratic Left (DIMAR) MP to vote for the President of the Hellenic Republic in the upcoming Parliament ballots will not be considered an apostate or a venal, party leader Fotis Kouvelis declared earlier today during an interview to Greek radio. Denouncing such practices of characterizing MPs as “apostates” due to their vote on the critical election, Kouvelis underlined at the same time that the party’s 10 MPs are bound by the party committee’s decisions, according to which its parliamentary group will not vote positively for the election of Greece’s new President. Commenting on the speculation regarding DIMAR’s possible cooperation with SYRIZA in case of snap general elections if a new President is not elected by the current Parliament, the former coalition government minor partner did not rule it out, leaving everything open. At the same time, however, he stressed that the party’s tactic in the general elections will be discussed and decided by its members. Independent and former DIMAR MP Grigoris Psarianos to vote positively for the new President of the Hellenic Republic “I will vote for the President of the Republic in all three ballots,” independent MP Grigoris Psarianos declared in an interview to Greek TV, highlighting that the possibility of snap general elections would be “catastrophic for the country,” regardless of the elections’ outcome and even if a new government will be formed in February. Furthermore, Psarianos noted that the ideal solution would be a “national plan” to exit the crisis, as occurred in Ireland and Portugal, adding though that such a development is unlikely in Greece, which is a Banana Republic,” as he ironically said. Regarding the political moves of the coalition government and main opposition SYRIZA, Psarianos estimated that Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and government Vice President Evangelos Venizelos “want to get rid of the hot potato” while at the same time SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras “does not want to take it.”