
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Bank of Greece Governor Warns of ‘Irreparable’ Damage Risk from Crisis

Bank of Greece (BoG) governor Yannis Stournaras called on MPs to consider their decision carefully at the parliamentary elections for the Greek President, in statements delivered during an event in Athens on Monday, honoring the 110th anniversary from the birth of Xenophon Zolotas, former BoG governor and interim Prime Minister. In his statements, Stournaras said that “the crisis of recent days is becoming serious” and that “liquidity in the market is being reduced at a great rate, and the danger of breaking the growth trajectory that just began and an irreparable harm to the Greek economy is great.” Referring to his previous post as Finance Minister, Stournaras said that he was well aware of the tremendous weight that Greek MPs had to shoulder in terms of the legislative adaptation to new conditions in the country. “From personally knowing each one [of the MPs] and from the great support they provided me in Parliament in the past, I would like to take the next step of asking them to take into consideration this great and immediate danger in their decisions,” he said. Stournaras also called on political parties that believe Greece will prosper only by remaining a member of the Eurozone and the EU to collaborate and ensure that “the few remaining reforms move ahead in a way that does not allow backtracking, both in fiscal security and economic growth.” “This way, they will disarm conclusively and irrevocably those unrepentant entities that never gave up on the idea of using Greece either as a scapegoat or as Iphigeneia [a sacrificial victim] in order to make an example of it among the Eurozone member-states,” he stressed. (source: ana-mpa)