
Monday, December 22, 2014

Archbishop Ieronymos Urges SYRIZA Leader to Vote in Greek Presidential Ballot

According to Greek media, Archbishop Ieronymos allegedly urged SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras to vote for a new President in Parliament. Tsipras visited the Dimitrios Center for Creative Activities of the Christian “Mission” where he had a 20-minute meeting with the Archbishop. Ieronymos told him that he supports consensus and understanding between political forces. During the meeting, Ieronymos reportedly said that “these are critical times and consultation and consensus are required for the country’s benefit and the social cohesion we are all aiming for. We can make it together, if we are united. We must see the forest, not just the tree.” However, when asked, the Archbishop declined to reveal what the two men talked about. “What I had to say, I said it to Mr. Tsipras in private.” SYRIZA denied that there was any kind of intervention by the Archbishop. In an official statement, it is underlined that the Archbishop referred to the work of volunteers and requested that the President of SYRIZA should support the Church’s social work. Tsipras stressed that united we can face and overcome the crisis’ consequences. He congratulated the Church and the “Mission” for the great social contribution and stressed, once again, the importance of cooperation in all efforts to support the suffering man, said the statement.