
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Troika Hands Athens List of 19 Tough Demands

Troika envoys have sent Finance Minister Gikas Hardouvelis a list of 19 tough reforms they want Athens to implement for their latest evaluation to be completed before the Eurogroup summit on December 8, according to a Kathimerini report. One of the demands of Greece’s international creditors is for the 2.6 billion euros fiscal gap to be covered. Another is the reduction of the 100 tranches for debtors to the state to repay their dues. Also, Greece’s lenders want a pension reform and a complete overhaul of the tax administration system. The troika also want a proposal by the Greek government for an across-the-board wage structure for public sector employees, measures for the restructuring of Greek public utility companies and new legislation regarding the liberalization of the natural gas market. According to the report, the list was sent last Friday.