
Saturday, November 8, 2014

The 32nd Classic Marathon, Sunday in Athens

We are just hours away from this year’s 32nd Classic Marathon Race taking place in Greece. The historic race begins from Marathon, the site where in ancient times, the Great Marathon battle took place that resulted in a great victory by the Greeks. This 42km race has become a very popular event that attracts athletes from Greece and all over the world. More than 70 thousand visitors are expected to join this wonderful event, with more than 35 thousand athletes participating in the race. The number of athletes participating is a record number for Greece, making it the greatest athletic event of the country and one of the greatest of Europe. From these 35 thousand athletes, 13 thousand are going to run the full race (42 km), extending from Marathon, in Eastern Attica all the way to the Panathinaic stadium, downtown Athens. The remaining athletes will run 5 or 10 km races. More than 5 thousand athletes are expected to join the race from abroad. The number of foreign athletes has increased this year by 35 percent in comparison to last year. This event is of great importance for the city of Athens, as it attracts more than 70 thousand visitors from all over the country and abroad, giving Athens a “boost” in terms of tourism revenues and promotion. The Union of Attica hoteliers will give specific figures on the number of tourists it hosted in its hotels during this weekend at the end of the month, but according to the Athletic Union of Greece (SEGAS) the revenues from this year’s Marathon race are expected to be between 18 and 20 million euros. Many parallel events are going to take place tomorrow at all the Municipalities that the race is going to pass through (i.e. Agia Paraskevi, Holargos etc) . Moreover, a Special Olympics children race of 1500 meters will also be taking place. The revenues from the race will go to two charity foundations, “Eliza” and “Kivotos tou Kosmou.” The Eliza foundation helps abused children, while Kivotos tou Kosmou helps mothers and children that need assistance. Well known personalities from Greek showbiz will be joining the 5 km race, including top model Kostas Fragolias, actress Zeta Douka as well as Minister of Administrative Reform Kyriakos Mitsotakis. In the 10 km race, Minister of Education Andreas Loverdos and Minister of Citizen Protection Vasilis Kikilias will also join in with other athletes and showbiz personalities. Denis Kimetto, who became the first runner in history to complete the Marathon race in 2 hours and 3 minutes is in Athens and will be given the AIMS award, as the top marathon runner of the season. Moroever, Florence Kiplagat will also be given the top female award, for running the semi-marathon in a record time of 1 hour and 5 minutes. Another important personality, Mary Wittenberg , the “iron lady” of the New York marathon is also in Athens for the 32nd Marathon race.