
Friday, November 28, 2014

Social Security Funds Getting Rising Number of Applications for Debt Settlement

Nearly 13,000 people have applied to settle overdue debts to social security funds since a new payment plan was introduced two weeks ago, with numbers of applicants rising daily, authorities said on Thursday. The Greek center that processes such debts (KEAO) said that as of Thursday, 12,827 cases had been approved, for debts worth 333,754,551 euros. Of outstanding debts processed so far, 7,737 relate to debtors to the Social Security Foundation (IKA), 4,209 to the professionals and independent businesspeople’s fund (OAEE, formerly TEVE), 879 to the Greece ‘s Organisation of Agricultural Insurance (OGA) and two to the independent business owners (ETAA, mostly related to lawyers, notaries public and engineers). Individuals who come under the program and keep to its terms will not be subject to bank seizures or other collection practices. The program’s deadline is March 31, 2015, after which its favorable terms end and any payment plan reverts to the old system. (source: ana-mpa)