
Saturday, November 8, 2014

Poll: SYRIZA Widens Lead Over ND in Voting Intention

Main opposition SYRIZA leads by 4.6 percent over ruling New Democracy (ND) in voting intention if general elections were held today, according to a weekly opinion poll conducted by Metron Analysis which will be published in the newspaper “Parapolitika” on Saturday. According to the poll results, SYRIZA leads among those questioned with 24.5 percent, followed by New Democracy (ND) with 19.9 percent, To Potami with 7.7 percent, Golden Dawn (Chryssi Avghi) with 4.5 percent, the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) with 4 percent, PASOK with 3.8 percent, Independent Greeks with 3.6 percent, LAOS with 1.6 percent and Ecologists with 1.3 percent. Four percent of the Greek people said they choose another party, 5.1 percent would vote blank, 5.1 percent would not vote, while 11.6 percent of the respondents said they are undecided. (source: ana-mpa)