
Saturday, November 29, 2014

Poll: Greek Opposition SYRIZA Leads Over Ruling New Democracy

The weekly barometer by “Metron Analysis” published in the Saturday edition of Greek newspaper “Parapolitika,” gives main opposition SYRIZA a 3.5% lead over ruling New Democracy (ND), based on the responses to the question “Which party would you vote for” and a 4.9% lead based on the responses to the question “Which party do you think will be the winner of the next elections.” According to the opinion poll, 24% said they were likely to vote for SYRIZA, followed by ND 20.5%, “To Potami” 5.5%, Greek Communist Party (KKE) 4.8%, PASOK 4.6%, Golden Dawn (GD) 4.5%, Independent Greeks (ANEL) 2.7%, Ecologist Greens 1.1% and Democratic Left (DIMAR) 1%. 4% of those asked said they would vote for “another party,” while 5.6% stated they would cast a blank or void ballot, 6.3% would abstain, 13.3% were undecided and 2.1% did not answer. On the question “Which party would win if elections were held tomorrow,” 33.1% of the respondents said SYRIZA, followed by ND 28.2%, “To Potami” 7.5%, KKE 6.6%, PASOK 6.4%, GD 6.1%, ANEL 3.7%, Ecologist Greens 1.5%, DIMAR 1.3% and “another party” 5.6%. In the same poll, Antonis Samaras is most suitable for Prime Minister with 35%, while SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras got 19%. PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos and GD leader Nikos Michaloliakos got 2% each, “Other” got 3%, “Nobody” got 35% and 4% did not answer. (source: ana-mpa)