
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Pittella vs crisis

by  Alexandros Koronakis Interview with New Europe Director, Alexandros Koronakis The President of the Progressive Alliance for Socialists and Democrats, Gianni Pittella, visited New Europe Studios last week to discuss his view on all the political hot potatoes. In a candid interview with New Europe’s Director, Alexandros Koronakis, Pittella expressed his hope and the need for the political resolution of issues including the Israel/Palestine issue, Russia/Ukraine, and tax havens. Let’s start with Luxembourg leaks:  Just last week you issued a strong statement referring the need to tackle tax evasion and tax fraud. In fact what we are talking about in the case of Luxembourg is, if I may use the term, systematic tax avoidance. Do you feel his Presidency is, or should be in jeopardy after the revelations of the Luxembourg leaks? There is an effort to attack Juncker and the Commission. We don’t want Juncker and the European Commission just to go on creating a political vacuum, which would damage european institutions. At the same time, we demand Juncker and the European Commission take concrete measures against tax havens and tax evasion. These measures should permit just competitiveness between member states and not fiscal dumping. President Juncker suggested on of the reasons is that there is “insufficient tax harmonization in Europe”. How would you propose this issue is dealt with at an EU level? First of all, through gradual fiscal harmonization. We have to start on this path and we expect Mr. Juncker will stick to his commitments. At the end of this path we will all see what kind of reaction we’ll have from member states. At this point it will be clear whether the Parliament or the Commission will be responsible, or on the contrary if it will be the member states. Do you feel that some of these measures might end up backfiring on Europe business growth? How can this be done without inhibiting the economy and business development? Citizens must know who is against fiscal harmonization, business in Europe is not only based on multinational activities, the real European richness is produced by thousands of small and medium sized enterprises which assure employment but at the same time are damaged by multinational corporate tax evaders in the fiscal paradise. It won’t be so bad if the corporate multinationals pay more in taxes, reducing their profits a bit and allowing member states to get funds which can be spent on workers and health benefits. During the summer period we had yet another escalation in the Palestine/Israel issue. Innocent people die because of extremist actions every day - these are your words. Can you tell me your thoughts as to what you would like the next steps to be? To interrupt the violence spiral which didn’t allow to find a just solution: A two states solution and with Jerusalem as a shared capital. This is what Federica Mogherini said during her recent mission in Palestine. I am hoping to see this soon, in the next 5 years. To reach this goal, we have to block the violence spiral, we can not allow the daily violence from one side or the other push dissolution further. You mentioned the High Representative, Federica Mogherini. How do you think the role of the High Representative will develop in the next few years? What differences will we see with Baroness Ashton’s rein? Mogherini wants to play this role as a real foreign minister of the EU. Foreign minister who speaks with one european voice to the world. This is what we want and what in the European Parliament we will work for. My mission abroad as the president of the Socialist and Democrats group, especially in areas where crisis hit most, are aimed to create a genuine foreign policy of S&D, which was lacking in the recent time. I’d like to ask you about your views on further EU Enlargement? Where do you see Serbia, Bosnia, and Montenegro? The future goal is the integration of these countries as well as for Albania and Turkey under the condition that Ankara solves the current problem on the table such as the issue with Cyprus and those related to human civil and media freedom right. I think in five years time could be enough to solve these issues and to permit a further enlargement of the European Union I purposely left out Turkey in my last question. We’ve had some tension with Greece and with Cyprus recently. What path do you suggest the EU follows with Turkey? Turkey has to be part of the European Union, to get to this goal, Ankara needs to put enormous effort. My recent mission in Turkey I asked Turkish authorities a further commitment towards democratization, the solution of Cyprus crisis, the respect of minorities and civil rights as well as the respect of the independence of judiciary power.  What is more, I stressed the importance to allow the Kurds to cross the Turkish territory to get to the Syrian border to fight ISIS. Turkey must be on our side against this enormous global threat called ISIS. As you mentioned the matter of ISIS, analysts are showing mixed effectiveness of US airstrikes against ISIS advancement. What actions can and should the EU be a part of in the fight against ISIS in your opinion?  We as Europeans have to be close together in the fight against ISIS and coordinate within the coalition. ISIS is the metastasis (cancer) of Islam. It is not Islam. Islam is a great religion for which we have great respect, so Europe has to play a role in this regard; in the respect of the dialogue with Islam. Another crisis I’d like your position on is Ukraine - a country of geostrategic importance on the world map. While part of Ukraine has shown a clear leaning towards Europe - what is required for us to be able to say that the issue is now resolved? And what part does Europe play in this resolution? I am about to leave for Kiev and Moscow; we have to work towards saving Ukraine’s territorial integrity and in order to avoid a new Berlin wall. At the same time we need to keep the door open with Moscow because Russia is a fundamental player. We have to collaborate with Russians to safeguard peace in Europe and the world as we have to prevent the eruption of violence. A final question. This is a new European Parliament and European Commission. How do you think the shift in the balance of powers between the EPP, S&D, and other parties will change the shape and form of this New Europe? For the first time in the history, we have had several candidates for the presidency of the European Commission. A great achievement. Juncker has won, but we cannot underestimate the great results that Schultz achieved. Now we need Juncker to start to work. The best way to keep the trust of the citizens is to take concrete measures. It is the lacking of activities and concrete measures that seed europhobia and euroscepticism, but if we follow through with the 300 billion in investment, we boost the economy and fight unemployment, and if we become a global player, we will get back the trust of the citizens.