
Friday, November 21, 2014

Parliamentary Ethics Committee Proposes Lifting of Immunity for Three MPs

The Greek Parliament’s Ethics Committee decided Thursday to propose to the plenum the lifting of immunity for extreme-right Golden Dawn (Chryssi Avgi) party MPs Constantinos Barbaroussis and Elias Panagiotaros over the case of gunshots fired during the funeral of the last jailed member of the Greek junta Nikos Dertilis in January 2013. Independent MP and former Golden Dawn MP Efstathios Boukouras is also named in the same case, but discussion on the lifting of his immunity was postponed. The deputy requested additional time to send his testimony from the jail in Nafplio, Peloponnese, Greece, where he is being held over other charges. The Ethics Committee also decided to propose the lifting of immunity for New Democracy MP Yiannis Michelakis over a bribery case including a Greek businessman. The decision was made on a slim margin, with the main opposition voting for the motion by 5 votes and ruling New Democracy and PASOK voting against by 4 votes. Parliament will discuss the lifting of immunity for the three deputies — Barbaroussis, Panagiotaros and Michelakis — on Wednesday. The plenary will also discuss the lifting of immunity for Golden Dawn MP Elias Kassidiaris over the illegal filming of his discussion with the government’s former secretary-general Takis Baltakos. (source: ana-mpa)