
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

New Greek Poll Shows SYRIZA Leading by 5%

Greek main opposition party SYRIZA appears consolidating its distance from ruling New Democracy, as a poll conducted by “Pulse” showed. SYRIZA got 27% in voting intention, leaving New Democracy way behind with 22%, while the second coalition partner, PASOK, appears third with 7%, followed by Golden Dawn with 6.5%, the Greek Communist Party (KKE) and “To Potami” with 6%, Independent Greeks (ANEL) with 3.5% and former government partner Democratic Left (DIMAR) with 1%, same as ANTARSYA. The poll, which was conducted nationwide between November 21 and 24 in a sample of 1,031 people, also questioned how the public perceives the way the negotiations with the Troika of Greece’s international lenders are conducted. According to the results, 41% want a hard negotiation with the lenders but in cooperation with them, while 38% would prefer a more strict line towards the lenders and even a break with the Troika, in cases it appears rigid. An important 13% however, is in favor of the immediate rupture with the Troika without even negotiating, proving that Greeks tend to adopt a tougher stance towards the lenders as time goes by. On the question regarding which party is going to win the next general elections, whenever they are held, 59% believes it is going to be SYRIZA, while only 29% went for New Democracy. At the same time, New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras remains the most suitable for Prime Minister with 32%, against 28% for SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras, although their difference has decreased. An important 37% said that “no one” is suitable for Prime Minister.