
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Meeting at Public Order Ministry on Handling Possible New Quake

Public Order Minister Vasilis Kikilias called an emergency meeting at the ministry after seismologists claimed that there is a possibility for another, stronger earthquake. The two earthquakes on Tuesday morning have alarmed authorities and forced the Greek minister to call all pertinent state agencies and organizations to an emergency meeting in order to generate a strategy to deal with a potential earthquake within the next few days. However, ministry officials say that the meeting will be nothing more than a drill to see the level of alertness of state agencies in case of an earthquake, according to Seismologists are divided on the issue of another earthquake. Some say that was the major earthquake and there won’t be another to follow. On the other hand, seismologists Akis Tselentis, Kostas Papazachos and Elias Tsiapas say that there will be more earth tremors and they will be stronger. Speaking to, seismologist Elias Tsiapas said he estimates there will be another earthquake on November 23 that will measure between 5.1 – 5.6 on the Richter scale. He also said that after December 6, there will possibly be another one that will reach 6.2 points. Akis Tselentis, director of the Greek Geodynamic Institute said that there will possibly be another earthquake in the Evian gulf but it will not activate the dangerous Atalanti rift. He also said that earthquakes of the 5.0-5.5 magnitude cannot affect the Atalanti rift. Professor of seismology Kostas Papazachos said that Tuesday’s earthquake was not the main one and we should not exclude the possibility of more earth tremors within the next few days. On the other hand, professor of geology Euthymios Lekkas said that this was the main earthquake since there were four major tremors of such magnitude. Speaking to Skai television, he said that the earthquake was not strong enough to activate neighboring rifts.