
Saturday, November 22, 2014

London Court of Appeals to Decide on Antonia Ilia’s Extradition

A London court of appeals will decide within the next few weeks whether former Greek judge Antonia Ilia will be extradited to Greece. The case was heard yesterday at the British court and the hearing lasted six hours. Ilia was not present at the courtroom as her defense attorney stated that his client was unable to attend due to eye problems. The verdict will be announced within the next few weeks. Ilia has appealed on the grounds that she is seeking political asylum since her life is in danger if she is extradited and she also stated that the conditions of incarceration in the Greek prison system is inappropriate. A written statement by Greek Justice Minister Charalambos Athanasiou was presented in court stating that Ilia will be incarcerated in the new wing for female inmates in Korydallos prison that meets all international standards. Professor of Law Nikolaos Koulouris testified via video link that the statement of the minister is a political promise and it has no legal grounds since it is the prison board that decides where to place inmates. He also said that conditions in Greek prisons change constantly, so the minister’s promise is not guaranteed. Law professor Konstantinos Tsitselikis also testified via video link and said that Greek prison conditions are not appropriate since there is a shortage of staff and prisons are overcrowded. The former judge has been a fugitive from Greek justice since 2005, when she was charged for judicial corruption. The charges include fraud, money laundering, slandering and failure to declare her assets for taxation. Ilia was arrested In Brighton, in May 2011, after the Greek authorities had issued five European warrants against her. She was placed in custody in Holloway prison where she remained for 19 months. After repeated appeals, she was released in December 2012. Greek and British authorities have cancelled four of the five warrants against Ilia and the former judge believes that the fifth will be cancelled as well. She claims that her extradition will be illegal, if it is carried out.