
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Greek Special Police Units are Getting Old

The average age of Greek policemen belonging to the Riot Squad (MAT) and the DIAS motorcycle unit is rising alarmingly as fewer policemen choose to enter the special units. When DIAS was established in 2010, the average age of policemen was 25 years. Almost five years later, DIAS motorcycle policemen have an average age of 30 years, meaning that the same policemen remain in the squad and there are no new ones joining. Greek Police officials say that to a large extend this is due to the Troika’s pressure to stop enlisting in the police academy and hold hirings for special units for two years. They also say that existing police officers do not choose the motorcycle unit while at the same time 200 men have left DIAS so far. Five or ten DIAS policemen leave the unit every week, the officials note. As most of them approach the age of 30, they lose the stamina needed to work eight-hour shifts on a motorcycle. So, essentially, they “retire” from the unit. But most of them leave the unit because of accidents, injuries or illness. The same applies to MAT. Even though 120 new police officers joined the squad, MAT are still short on manpower by a few hundred, officials say. Very few policemen choose to join MAT. Given the fact that there is a great amount of riots in the years of recession in Greece , the Riot Squad men are overworked and some of them suffer injuries. Also, MAT are not very popular to Greek people.