
Friday, November 21, 2014

Greek Opposition Spokesman: Elections Necessary as Soon as Possible

Greek main opposition SYRIZA party spokesman Panos Skourletis, speaking to “Parapolitika” radio station, repeated his party’s position regarding the general elections in Greece, which, as he underlined, should be held “as soon as possible.” “Whoever wants can be confused, but things are perfectly clear. It is necessary to go to elections as soon as possible. The current parliament is not entitled to elect the President of the Hellenic Republic,” Skourletis said. Regarding the ongoing negotiations between the Greek government and the Troika, SYRIZA’s spokesman characterized them as artificial and not substantial: “The Prime Minister gave the sign of hasty retreat before the Troika and has not, at the least, disputed the memorandum policies,” he said, adding that the first step towards the memorandum’s cancelation will be SYRIZA’s electoral win. “Everybody knows that when SYRIZA wins the elections, our lenders will start an essential negotiation. Discussion with our lenders is one thing and negotiation with the Troika is another,” Skourletis highlighted. In addition, he also shared his belief that the memorandum’s extension or the country’s exit to the markets is not a real dilemma, explaining that there currently is “a primary surplus to cover salaries and pensions, and the money borrowed are used for the repayment of loans.”