
Friday, November 14, 2014

Greek Coalition Government Receives Blow from MP Resignation

New Democracy MP Andreas Psycharis on Friday November 14, submitted his resignation as deputy to the president of the parliament, thus creating another problem for the shaky coalition government. However, Psycharis voted in favor of the ENFIA and “red loans” government-proposed amendments before resigning. “After months of reflection, I realized it was no longer worth serving a political system that fails to have an understanding even on self-evident things,” he said in a statement. “When I first entered parliament in May 2012, I believed I was part of a group of officials that can discuss the country’s problem with respect for each other and who work jointly for the stabilization and the development of the country. After two and a half years, I simply realize I am a romantic,” he said. Psycharis also thanked Prime Minister and New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras for the opportunity he gave him to run in the 2012 elections. “I leave the political stage but I still am an active citizen who will claim and will fight to improve the living standards of Greeks and the image of the political system that recently has been getting increasingly tarnished,” he concluded. Psycharis will be replaced by Alexandros Moraitakis. Andreas Psycharis is the son of publisher Stavros Psycharis, head of the Lamprakis Press Organization, the largest press conglomerate in Greece. Andreas Papandreou was his godfather. Psycharis studied journalism in the U.S. and joined the Greek diplomatic corps in 1993. After a rich diplomatic career in embassies and consulates abroad, he returned to Greece in 2011 and became Antonis Samaras’ diplomatic consultant. In 2012 he was elected New Democracy MP.