
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Fugitive Spends Eight Years as Monk in Mount Athos

Greek Police arrested a 48-year-old wanted convict yesterday, who had got three life sentences for a series of financial crimes against the State and had been hiding for at least eight years in Mount Athos‘ monastery cells, as a trainee monk. According to the police press release, the 48-year-old fugitive was a former municipal employee that during a period of seven years, from 1995 to 2002, embezzled 9 million euros from the Daphni and Hymettus municipalities. The convict had access to the municipality’s income pool as he was an auditor, while others were also prosecuted for the same case. He was finally sentenced in absence in three life sentences, nine years and 67 months, as well as a fine of 22,420 euros, found guilty in the charges of fraud, forgery, defalcation of state money and debt towards the state. As police revealed, information on his identity reached the headquarters in the last months, and yesterday noon he was arrested in the town of Karyes, Greece, by local police. The 48-year-old will appear before the prosecutor in the upcoming days.