
Friday, November 28, 2014

EU Commissioner Moscovici: We Wish to Conclude the Adjustment Program Soon

The negotiations between the Greek government and the Troika commented earlier today the European Union Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Pierre Moscovici. He said that the European Commission is willing to find a way that would allow the Troika to return to Athens within a short period of time so that the Greek adjustment program can be concluded as soon as possible. Furthermore, Moscovici said that the deliberations on Greece continue intensively, revealing that he had a phone discussion with Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras yesterday on the issue. The EU Commissioner appeared confident that the negotiations between the two sides, characterized as “tough” by the Greek side, are currently on the right track, while he believes there is greater convergence, as he added. Noting that the European Commission is working intensively towards the direction of an agreement, Moscovici underlined that it is important to take the necessary decision before the nearing critical Eurogroup meeting of December 8. Concluding, Moscovici revealed that his visit to Greece will take place as soon as the negotiations between the Greek government and its international lenders have been concluded.