
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Davutoglu: Turkey will be the Primary Consumer of Cyprus’ Gas

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu highlighted on November 22 the importance of using Cyrpus’ natural resources for peace, adding that Turkey would be the primary consumer of gas coming out of the divided island. Davutoğlu made the remarks during a speech at the closing session of the sixth Atlantic Council Energy and Economic Summit in Istanbul. “In Cyprus, if everyone agrees that natural resources around the island belong to the entire island and use these resources in a shared vision towards peace, everyone stands to gain,” he said. “If [the Greek-Cypriots] are seeking to offer these resources, to which Turkish-Cypriots also have a right, to international markets unilaterally, then by the same right we will conduct research in the same area along with the Turkish-Cypriots,” he added. Davutoğlu said that if the two sides sit together and negotiate with a will to reunite the island as soon as possible, Cyprus would become a country on the rise. (source: CNA, cyprus-mail)