
Monday, November 3, 2014

Convicts to be Imprisoned in Their Home Country

The Greek Ministry of Justice is to pass a new amendment in alignment with European Union directives. According to the bill, foreign convicts will be incarcerated in prisons of their home country. The law reform is based on the principle of mutual recognition of court decisions between EU countries that: impose imprisonment or restraining suspend other court decisions impose penalties alternative to imprisonment According to the new amendment, countries will recognize court decisions from other EU countries. The thinking behind the new bill is that a convict who is incarcerated inside a familiar social environment has a better chance at being reintegrated in society when he completes his sentence and this is beneficial for society. Also, a foreigner is more likely to be jailed than a national because there is the fear that he might flee the country. The new bill will bring decongestion to the already over-crowded Greek prison system, and there will also be less cost for imprisonment of foreign convicts in Greece.