
Monday, November 3, 2014

Breastfeeding Initiative in Greece Marked With Success

For the 5th year in a row, Greek mothers in 52 cities across the country, gather to publicly breastfeed their babies in celebration of World Breastfeeding week. The synchronized initiative — taking place from November 1-7 — is aimed to raise awareness among young mothers and Greek society. Numerous studies show that there are great benefits in breastfeeding, not only for babies, but for mothers as well. “A newborn baby needs only three things: Warmth from the mother, food from her breasts, and security with her presence. Breastfeeding can cover all three,” says an announcement of the institution, noting that the event of public breastfeeding aims to raise awareness of young mothers and the Greek society in general, on breastfeeding, not only as words off of a brochure or in a speech, but in practice, as an image and presence, “from mother to mother.” Infants who are breastfed for 12 months have a 50 percent lower risk of diabetes, as well as significantly lowering the possibility of being hospitalized during the first year of life. Mothers, who breastfeed reduce the risk of breast cancer, endometrial cancer and osteoporosis. Above all, breastfeeding creates a strong bond between mothers and children. Breastfeeding in Greece is not very popular, however, the Greek state is making an effort to promote breastfeeding practices. This week, the Ministry of Health announced a number of measures that will be taken for the promotion of breastfeeding. Among the changes includes incorporating special breastfeeding areas in public services and workplaces. “Breastfeeding is a human right, and its promotion is a very good investment for Public Health,” stated deputy Minister of Health Katerina Papakosta. According to Health Ministry data, only 41 percent of new mothers in Greece breastfed their babies in the maternity hospital, while after the first six months this percentage dropped. By the end of the first year, only 6.4 percent continued to breastfeed. A new public space for breastfeeding is now open in central Athens, located at the “Athens Heart” shopping mall, on Pireos Street. More such places are soon to be announced.