
Sunday, November 23, 2014

Beijing Tourism Exhibition in Athens

On November 21, 2014, a delegation aiming to promote tourism in Beijing arrived in Greece to present Chinese culture to Greeks and showcase Beijing’s beauty. Fotis Provatas, Athens City Council President, and Yu Depin, Deputy Director of Beijing Municipal Commission of Tourism Development, spoke during the event. What makes this presentation different is the fact that the Beijing tourism organization wishes to present high quality tourist packages and show that Beijing is a safe, open and hospitable city. Beijing, the Chinese capital for several dynasties, is a city full of history but also one of the world’s most modern cities. The organizers stressed that tourists will have the opportunity to attend sports events and cultural festivals, as well as explore the city’s beauty and health sectors, as part of the organization’s new tourist program, entitled “Four seasons sport tour.” Tourists will be able to combine visits to Beijing’s attractions with personal care through traditional Chinese medicine. The Beijing tourism event was also attended by officials from the Chinese embassy in Greece, Greek government officials and local tourism companies, in order to achieve a constructive discussion on tourism industry development, policy issues and culture. The Beijing Municipal Commission of Tourism Development used beautiful postcards to present various tourist packages to local tourist agencies, and provided a unique opportunity for direct contact with Chinese tour operators, so that they may promote Beijing’s high-level tourism market in southern Europe.