
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

BC-AP News Coverage Advisory

by  Associated Press BC-AP News Coverage Advisory Associated Press - 26 November 2014 10:25-05:00 Here's a look at how AP's general news coverage is shaping up today. Some plans are subject to change. HIGHLIGHTING: Among today's coverage highlights as we see them: -- FERGUSON-GRAND JURY-INCONSISTENCIES (upcoming) -- FERGUSON-TICKTOCK (tentative slug) (upcoming) -- CLEVELAND POLICE SHOOT BOY (sent; developing) -- OBAMA-SMOG (sent; developing) -- EBOLA MONITORING (upcoming) -- GUINEA-CHOLERA (upcoming) -- ISRAEL-SPY BALLOONS (upcoming) -- BLOOD CANCER (HOLD FOR RELEASE, 2200 GMT.) TALKERS/READERS: -- BRITAIN-A LONDON THANKSGIVING (sent) -- BEAR ATTACK-HIKER DEAD (sent) -- THAILAND-TRICKY TOURISM (sent) -- MASTODON BONES-COLORADO (upcoming) -- INDIA-RICKSHAW AIR MONITOR (sent) -- RUSSIA-PUSHING A PLANE (sent) -- CHINA-PUTIN'S TIGER (sent) PHOTOS: FERGUSON (sent; developing); IRAN-JEWS (sent; with text); VIDEO: FERGUSON coverage (sent; developing) Here are details of those stories, plus others we have in the works for today and notable pieces that we sent in the past 10 hours (all times GMT): FERGUSON FERGUSON-GRAND JURY-INCONSISTENCIES - An AP review of thousands of pages of grand jury documents reveals numerous instances of inconsistent, fabricated or provably wrong statements. UPCOMING: Developing. FERGUSON-TICKTOCK (Tentative slug) - From a confrontation between Michael Brown and a clerk at a Ferguson, Missouri, convenience store, through his deadly interaction with a police officer, to the moment his lifeless body lay in a street, the AP will offer a detailed narrative of what happened in the incident that has riveted the nation. It's based on details from thousands of pages of grand jury testimony by witnesses and other reporting over the last several months. UPCOMING. FERGUSON - National Guard reinforcements helped contain the latest protests in Ferguson. SENT: 1,050 words, photos, video. UPCOMING: Spot developments and other angles TBD, FERGUSON-PROSECUTOR SCRUTINY - St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch has come under renewed scrutiny after criticizing the media, discounting some witness testimony, and appearing defensive before television cameras to announce the grand jury would not indict Darren Wilson. SENT: 740 words, photo. FERGUSON-WILSON INTERVIEW - Ferguson officer Wilson says he's sorry about Brown's death but followed his training that day. SENT: 130 words. FERGUSON-BROWN'S FAMILY - Brown's mom: Grand jury decision 'heartbreaking,' Wilson's description of her son insulting. SENT: 130 words. WORLD EBOLA MONITORING — In the past month, more than 2,600 travelers have undergone three weeks of monitoring ordered by the government to guard against cases of Ebola from slipping into the country from West Africa. And by all accounts, most people have been cooperative. No one has developed the disease. UPCOMING: 750 words by 2000 GMT, photos. GUINEA-CHOLERA - The health workers took to canoes and rickety boats to reach remote islands and deliver cholera vaccinations in Africa. Months later, Guinea has recorded only one cholera case this year, down from thousands, in a rare success that experts cautiously attribute to the vaccinations against the water-borne disease, and hand-washing in the campaign against Ebola. UPCOMING: ISRAEL-SPY BALLOONS - With riots threatening the escalate in Jerusalem, Israeli police are watching from above. They are flying surveillance balloons over east Jerusalem and the Old City, center of the most sensitive holy sites, to track and help control protests. But the eyes in the sky are further unnerving Palestinians. UPCOMING: 600 words by 2030 GMT. HONG KONG-DEMOCRACY PROTEST - Police arrested key student leaders of Hong Kong's pro-democracy protests on Wednesday as they cleared barricades in one volatile district, throwing into doubt the future of a 2-month-old movement seeking free elections in the former British colony. HONG KONG - Hong Kong authorities clear more street barricades from a pro-democracy protest camp in a volatile district, part of a two-day operation in which police arrested more than 100 people, including key student leaders. SENT: 520 words, photos, video. EUROPE-PALESTINIAN STATE - Members of the European Parliament have begun debating a common approach among the European Union's 28 member states to recognition of a Palestinian state. SENT: 130 words. UPCOMING: Developing. IRAN-JEWS - Jews in Iran, home to the Middle East's largest Jewish population outside of Israel, say they've found new acceptance from moderate President Hassan Rouhani after being continually criticized by the country's previous government. SENT: 500 words, photos. LEBANON-VULNERABLE TRIPOLI - Sunni Muslim-majority Tripoli is seen as particularly vulnerable to becoming a foothold for militants from Syria, including the Islamic State group, to expand into Lebanon. SENT: 840 words, photos. MEXICO-VIOLENCE - The normally bucolic, vacationer-crowded state at the tip of Mexico's Baja peninsula has become a battleground, with dozens of killings in a power struggle following the capture of drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman nearly a year ago. SENT: 630 words, photo. ISLAMIC STATE - The death toll from a series of Syrian government airstrikes on the Islamic State group's stronghold in northeastern Syria has risen to at least 95, making it one of the deadliest attacks on the city of Raqqa in the past three years. SENT: 340 words. YEMEN - Yemeni Shiite rebels attacked and occupied the seat of power of an influential tribe in the capital Wednesday, following clashes that killed six of the guards and one fighter, security officials and rebel media said. SENT: 300 words, photo. EGYPT-GAZA - Egyptian authorities have temporarily re-opened a border crossing with the Gaza Strip to allow Palestinians stranded outside the territory to return home. SENT: 130 words. GREECE-MIGRANT SHIP - Local authorities and Red Cross volunteers on Crete were racing Wednesday to prepare shelter and food for hundreds of immigrants on a crippled freighter being slowly towed to safety by a Greek navy frigate, a rescue effort hampered by gale-force winds and high waves. SENT: 430 words, photos. BENIN-LASSA FEVER - Nine people have died in Benin from Lassa fever, a viral disease common in West Africa with symptoms similar to Ebola, the country's health minister said. SENT: 300 words. INDIA-RICKSHAW AIR MONITOR - An American scientist who takes air pollution monitors with him on rickshaw rides through New Delhi has alarming findings for anyone who spends time on the commuter-clogged streets of the city of 25 million. His on-the-road statistics are far worse than data that has already earned the capital the title of world's most polluted city. SENT: 1,100 words, photos THAILAND-TRICKY TOURISM - Thailand comes up with new strategy to attract tourists with 'I Hate Thailand' video. SENT: 350 words, photos. CHINA-HUNTING FUGITIVES - A senior Chinese diplomat calls on the U.S. and other Western countries to put aside their wariness of China's justice system and work with Beijing in bringing back officials who have absconded overseas with ill-gained loot. SENT: 350 words. LEBANON-OBIT-SABAH - Lebanese singer Sabah, a beloved and brazen star of the Arab world for decades, dies at 87. SENT: 700 words, photos. RUSSIA-PUSHING A PLANE - In other countries, you may be asked to give a push to a car stuck in the mud. In Russia, passengers in the Arctic came out of an airliner to the bitter cold to help it move to the runway. SENT: 230 words. CHINA-PUTIN'S TIGER - A rare Siberian tiger released into the wild by Russian President Vladimir Putin is keeping farmers in northeastern China on edge. SENT: 300 words, photo. WASHINGTON OBAMA-SMOG - The Obama administration moves to tighten smog standards in a bid to improve air quality and public health, making good on one of Obama's original campaign pledges. SENT: 570 words. Upcoming: Updating from 1600 GMT news conference. IMMIGRATION-BUSINESS - Obama's executive actions on immigration left out some of the business community's top priorities, disappointing business leaders who might have stepped up to defend his policies in the face of Republican attacks. SENT: 670 words. POLITICS HILLARY CLINTON-ABOVE THE FRAY - Hillary Rodham Clinton quickly embraced President Barack Obama's executive actions on immigration. On other weighty policy issues - Keystone XL pipeline, climate change treaty with China, ending the government's bulk collection of Americans' phone records - she isn't saying much. SENT: 780 words. US CLEVELAND POLICE SHOOT BOY - Cleveland police planned to release surveillance video from an officer's fatal shooting of a 12-year-old boy who turned out to be carrying a replica gun. SENT: 290 words, photos. UPCOMING: UPDATING from 1 p.m. news conference. MASTODON BONES-COLORADO — A trove of ancient bones from gigantic animals discovered in the Colorado mountains provides a fascinating look at what happened about 120,000 years ago when the Earth got as warm as it is today, scientists say. UPCOMING: 600 words, photos by 2100 GMT. FBI AGENTS SHOT - An FBI spokeswoman says two special agents have been shot in St. Louis County, and it is not related to the Ferguson protests. SENT: 100 words. Developing. COMICS STOLEN-INVESTIGATOR INDICTED - Two Houston-area investigators are accused of stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars in rare comic books while working an embezzlement case. SENT: 130 words. NEW YORK LOWLINE - First, New York City had the High Line, a cutting-edge, elevated park built on defunct railroad tracks that draws visitors from around the world. Next up for development is the Lowline, a park in a 116-year-old, abandoned trolley terminal below the Lower East Side. SENT: 820 words, photos. HEALTH BLOOD CANCER (HOLD FOR RELEASE, 2200 GMT) - Many older people silently harbor a blood "pre-cancer" — a gene mutation acquired during their lifetime that starts them on the path to leukemia, lymphoma or other blood disease, scientists have discovered. It opens a new frontier of early detection and possibly ways to treat and prevent these cancers, which rise with age. UPCOMING: 700 words, HOLD FOR RELEASE, 2200 GMT. SPORTS OLY-2024 GAMES-US BID - The magic number for the U.S. cities hoping to host the 2024 Olympics is $5 billion. Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Washington have all submitted spending plans under that mark for their bids to host the Olympics. UPCOMING: 700 words by 1630 GMT photos. Profiles of each city's bid will move throughout the week. POP CULTURE/LIFESTYLES PETS-ANIMAL MASSAGE - Spa treatments don't stop with people. Animal massage is becoming a regular service that many pet owners value as more than just glorified petting, leading to more debate about regulations. SENT: 650 words, photos by 1700 GMT. ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT FILM-REESE WITHERSPOON - Reese Witherspoon, actress and producer, has earned serious Oscar buzz for "Wild," in which she goes way-against-type as a woman recovering from drugs, divorce and grief who seeks redemption in a solitary three-month hike. To hear Witherspoon tell it, the role was sort of redemption for her, too: an effort to redefine herself via meaningful work at a key juncture in her career. UPCOMING: 760 words by 1800 GMT, photos. MUSIC-AC/DC - AC/DC finally joined iTunes in 2012 after years of refusing, but make no mistake, they're still old school. UPCOMING: SENT, photos. MUSIC-SHE & HIM - The musical duo She & Him — that's Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward — convened a 20-piece orchestra to make "Classics," a collection of songs written between 1930 and 1974. SENT: 600 words, photos. GIFT GUIDE-GIFTS FOR MOVIE LOVERS - When shopping for the movie lover on your list, why not think outside the box set? UPCOMING: 500 words by 2 p.m., photos. PHOTOGRAPHY VENEZUELA'S BELOVED MACAWS-PHOTO GALLERY - In one of the world's most-hostile urban jungles, the spectacle of rainbow-colored tropical birds streaking across the late-afternoon sky has for many residents of Caracas become a natural respite from rampant crime and choking pollution. SENT: 510 words, photos. News Topics: General news, Ebola virus, Religion and politics, Protests and demonstrations, Embezzlement, Arrests, Legal proceedings, Crime, Cholera, 2024 Olympic Games, Pollution, Government and politics, Music, Species reintroduction, Cancer, Tigers, Immigration, Smog, Environmental concerns, Hemorrhagic fever, Infectious diseases, Diseases and conditions, Health, Religious issues, Religion, Social affairs, Social issues, Political and civil unrest, Law and order, Summer Olympic games, Olympic games, Events, Environment, Environment and nature, Entertainment, Arts and entertainment, Species conservation and preservation, Wildlife management, Wildlife, Natural resource management, Environmental conservation and preservation, Mammals, Animals, Air pollution, Air quality, Sports People, Places and Companies: Michael Brown, Hassan Rouhani, Joaquin Guzman Loera, Sabah, Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Reese Witherspoon, Zooey Deschanel, Jerusalem, China, Hong Kong, Palestinian territories, Egypt, Africa, Syria, Israel, Missouri, Russia, Thailand, West Africa, Cleveland, United States, Guinea, Middle East, Benin, Mexico, Greater China, East Asia, Asia, North Africa, North America, Eastern Europe, Europe, Southeast Asia, Ohio Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. 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