
Friday, November 21, 2014

BC-AP News Coverage Advisory

by  Associated Press BC-AP News Coverage Advisory Associated Press - 21 November 2014 10:24-05:00 Here's a look at how AP's general news coverage is shaping up today. Some plans are subject to change. HIGHLIGHTING: Among today's coverage highlights as we see them: -- OBAMA-IMMIGRATION (sent; developing) -- BILL COSBY (sent; developing) -- WINTRY WEATHER (sent; developing) -- IRAN-NUCLEAR TALKS (sent; developing) -- EBOLA-GUINEA-SAMPLES STOLEN (sent; developing) -- MERGERS-BIG CEO PAY (sent) TALKERS/READERS: -- HONDURAS-BEAUTY QUEEN (sent) -- EBOLA-GUINEA-SAMPLES STOLEN (sent; developing) -- EGYPT-COMICS (sent) -- AFGHANISTAN-AMUSEMENT PARK (sent) -- AMUSEMENT PARKS-CROSSROADS (sent) -- BRITAIN-CHRISTMAS AD (sent) -- GERMANY-HITLER PAINTING (sent) -- MOST-PLAYED RIVALRY-150TH GAME (sent) PHOTOS: AFGHANISTAN-AMUSEMENT PARK (sent; with text) GREECE MACEDONIAN LEGACY-PHOTO GALLERY (sent); MYANMAR-GENEROUS NATION-PHOTO ESSAY (sent) VIDEO: OBAMA-IMMIGRATION (sent; developing); MEXICO-CLASHES (sent; with text and photos); FL_FUN BEGINS (sent; with AMUSEMENT PARKS-CROSSROADS); PA-LEHIGH-LAFAYETTE (sent; with text MOST-PLAYED RIVALRY); EXECUTIVE SLEEPOUT (upcoming; with text) Here are details of those stories, plus others we have in the works for today and notable pieces that we sent in the past 10 hours (all times GMT): IMMIGRATION IMMIGRATION —Boehner is accusing Obama of undermining his office and further damaging relations between the White House and Congress with his unilateral moves on immigration. The speaker promises the House will act but declines to say what it will, or can do, in response. UPCOMING, 850 words, 2300 GMT. OBAMA — He sets off for Nevada in a campaign to sell his actions to shield some 5 million illegal immigrants from deportation and make millions eligible for work permits here, traveling to a school in Las Vegas to appeal for support, particularly from Hispanics there. SENT: 680 words, photos, video. UPCOMING: Speech at 3:55 p.m.; 860 words by 2300 GMT. OBAMA-IMMIGRATION TICK TOCK. How he got to this decision. Long and abridged versions. UPCOMING: 700 words by 2100 GMT. (This will NOT be a chunky text format) ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT BILL COSBY - As Cosby returns to the stage Friday, will he be greeted as the beloved TV dad that millions revere, or as the pariah caught in a swirl of bad press? UPCOMING: 250 words by 1600 GMT; possible developments during the day; further developing from 7:30 p.m. performance. 500 words by 1600 GMT, photos. And, continued reporting on a number of threads. MIKE NICHOLS-APPRECIATION - Nichols was the enemy of riddles, of inscrutability, of charades. SENT: 760 words, photos. EBOLA EBOLA-GUINEA-SAMPLES STOLEN - Bandits in Guinea steal blood samples suspected of Ebola infection; officials plead for return. SENT: 200 words. UPCOMING: Developing. EBOLA-US — U.N secretary-general, director of the World Health Organization and president of the World Bank brief reporters on the Ebola crisis after getting an update from UN officials. Meanwhile, the U.S. infectious disease chief speaks to the National Press Club. By Lauran Neergaard and Harry Dunphy. Ban Ki-moon speaks at 1745 GMT; Dr. Anthony Fauci speaks at 1800 GMT. UPCOMING, 500 words by 2000 GMT. WORLD IRAN-NUCLEAR TALKS - With talks on Iran's nuclear program stalled four days before a deadline for agreement, Kerry embarks on a crucial round of diplomacy on Friday. SENT: 290 words, photos. UPCOMING: developing. TURKEY-US RELATIONS - Vice President Joe Biden on Friday will become the latest U.S. official trying to push Turkey to step up its role in the international coalition's fight against Islamic State extremists. SENT: 890 words, photos, interactive. UPCOMING: Developing. TURKEY-US-Q&A - Answers to questions about US-Turkey relations and the global fight against islamic State militants, Biden's visit to Istanbul. SENT: 540 words YEMEN-ISLAMIC STATE - Yemen's al-Qaida branch on Friday denounced the Islamic State group for declaring a caliphate on territory it seized in Syria and Iraq and for aggressively seeking to expand its area of influence. SENT: 350 words. ISRAEL-PALESTINIANS - The Israeli military said Friday it dispersed some 300 stone-throwing Palestinian demonstrators in the West Bank city of Hebron without injuries or arrests. SENT: 280 words CHINA-PROFESSORS MONITORED —A state-owned newspaper sent reporters to secretly sit in on lectures by dozens of university professors, to catch them making remarks that could be seen as critical of the Communist Party. SENT: 1,030 words, photos. CHINA-FREE SPEECH - Closed-door hearings of two Chinese activists highlight China's contentious "rule of law." SENT: 830 words, photos. HONDURAS-BEAUTY QUEEN - The killing of Miss Honduras and a sister is a national outrage in a country caught in a homicidal bloodbath. While many of the daily dead are gangsters, drug traffickers and police officers, others are taxi drivers, journalists, abused women and other innocents. SENT: 1,520 words, photos. ABRIDGED version of 770 words also available. JAPAN-ELECTION - Prime Minister Shinzo Abe dissolves the lower house of Japan's parliament Friday, forcing a snap election. SENT: 700 words, photos. JAPAN-ELECTION-QUOTES - SENT: 420 words. MEXICO-MISSING STUDENTS - A largely peaceful march by tens of thousands demanding the return of 43 missing students ends in violence. SENT: 740 words, photos, video. SOUTH AFRICA-RHINO RELOCATION - South African rangers are removing dozens of rhinos from a section of the country's vast flagship wildlife reserve where they are being slaughtered in increasing numbers for their horns, and are trucking them to a remote area. Moving the multi-ton beasts is no easy matter. AFRICA-ENVIRONMENTAL CRIMINALS - Giraffes on a plane? Interpol releases new Most Wanted list of environmental suspects. SENT: 280 words. INDIA-ASHRAM RAID - Indian police search the sprawling ashram of a guru who was arrested on suspicion of murder and criminal conspiracy after a deadly siege at his fortress-like compound. SENT: 300 words, photos. EGYPT-COMICS - A new feminist comic book, the Jewelry Box, emerges in Egypt, as artists seek freer expression in a country where independent voices are finding it harder to speak. SENT: 880 words, photos. AFGHANISTAN-AMUSEMENT PARK - Afghanistan's first amusement park, complete with Ferris wheel and off-brand Minnie Mouse, offers a rare respite for families in a country blighted by war and poverty. By Rahim Faez. SENT: 540 words, photos. GERMANY-HITLER PAINTING - An original Hitler: Watercolor by the future Fuehrer going on sale in Germany. SENT: 310 words, photos. GAMBIA-GAY LAW - Gambia leader approves law that would jail some gays for life amid fresh wave of arrests. SENT: 360 words. BRITAIN-SPYING ON JOURNALISTS - Lawsuit, documents reveal years of police surveillance on British journalists. SENT: 590 words. INDONESIA-EARTHQUAKE - Strong undersea earthquake hits eastern Indonesia; no tsunami expected. SENT: 150 words. US WINTRY WEATHER - Snow onslaught finally stops, but Buffalo can hardly breathe easy, with cleanup and potential for rain and flooding this weekend. SENT: 500 words, photos, video, interactive. UPCOMING: Developing through the day; photos, video. FERGUSON — As Ferguson and the nation await a grand jury's decision about whether the police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown should face charges, Brown's family's attorneys are joining national activists to again call for peace regardless of the outcome. Brown's father also releases a YouTube video encouraging the same. UPCOMING: 500 words, photos, video developing from 1930 GMT. news conference. BIONIC MARINE-BRONZE STAR - A Marine paralyzed by a sniper's bullet in Afghanistan will walk across a stage at Camp Pendleton to receive the Bronze Star, thanks to a battery-powered robotic exoskeleton. SENT: 460 words (NO file photos). UPCOMING: 500 words, photos from 2200 GMT. ceremony. CLAIRTON SHOOTING - Six people have been wounded in an early morning shooting outside Pittsburgh. SENT: 100 words. UPCOMING: Developing. ISLAMIC STATE-AID WORKER - The U.S. aid worker who was killed by Islamic State militants is to be remembered Friday during the first of three public services being planned. SENT: 130 words, photo. UPCOMING: Developing from 1900 GMT. service. ELECTRONIC BOOKS LAWSUIT — A federal judge decides whether to accept a settlement on the damages Apple owed to consumers for orchestrating a scheme to drive up the prices of digital books. UPCOMING: Developing from 1900 GMT. hearing, then 350 words by 2200 GMT. STAMOS-ELVIS PRESLEY — Actor John Stamos, known for playing Uncle Jesse on the sitcom "Full House," flips the switch on the holiday lights at Graceland and tells The Associated Press about what draws him and others to Elvis Presley. UPCOMING: 500 words, photos, video by 1500 GMT. MELLON-DIAMOND AUCTION - A Fancy Vivid Blue pear-shaped diamond from the estate of Rachel "Bunny" Mellon has sold for $32.6 million. It's an auction record for any blue diamond. SENT: 120 words, photo. WASHINGTON WHITE HOUSE-WOMAN ARRESTED - A Michigan woman carrying a gun was arrested outside the White House just after Obama completed a nationally broadcast speech announcing his plan for the U.S. immigration system. SENT: 130 words. POLITICS BUSINESS /ECONOMY MERGERS-BIG CEO PAY - It's anyone's guess whether the recent flurry of corporate mergers will pay off for shareholders, but one thing is for sure: the bosses who've decided to sell will do just fine, a study finds. SENT: 900 words, photos. AP POLL-EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-FUTURE - Employers consider offering health insurance a priority, but cost an important factor. SENT: 1,010 words, photos. EUROPE-STIMULUS - Japan's return to recession renews questions about the effectiveness of buying government bonds to stimulate an economy - and how far such a program would help in Europe. SENT: 990 words, photo. - EUROPE-STIMULUS-WHAT IS IT? - A look at how stimulus measure known as quantitative easing, or QE, works in practice. SENT: 220 words. - EUROPE-ECONOMY - European Central Bank head: willing to "step up the pressure" to help economy. SENT: 430 words, photos. BRITAIN-CHRISTMAS AD - Supermarket chain Sainsbury's stirs strong passions, outrage with World War I advertisement. SENT: 950 words, photos. LEXUS RECALL - — Toyota is recalling nearly 423,000 Lexus luxury brand cars in the U.S. to fix fuel leaks that can cause fires. SENT: 130 words. TECH AERO-BANKRUPTCY - Online streaming service Aereo says that it has filed for bankruptcy protection, saying an unfavorable ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court was too difficult to overcome. SENT: 130 words. DIGITAL LIFE-GIFT GUIDE-STREAMING TV PLAYERS - Even casual viewers of online video will appreciate the ability to watch it on a big-screen TV set. For about $100, you can get a great streaming TV device to do just that. SENT: 800 words, photos. POP CULTURE/LIFESTYLES AMUSEMENT PARKS-CROSSROADS - Your local fun zone, amusement center and theme park is facing an existential challenge these days. They need to lure you, the American guest, off your sofa with your high resolution, interactive video games and into their world of fun - real life fun. SENT: 750 words, photos, video. PHOTOGRAPHY MYANMAR-GENEROUS NATION-PHOTO ESSAY - "The food cart is coming!" the hungry little boy shouts, his face lighting up. Buddhist monks soon ladle up food for scores of poor people — food the monks themselves received hours earlier during their dawn collection of alms. SENT: 770 words, photos. GREECE MACEDONIAN LEGACY-PHOTO GALLERY - The discovery of a cavernous underground tomb in Amphipolis, northern Greece, dating to the twilight of Alexander the Great's reign, revives interest in the Macedonians. SENT: photos, 250 words. News Topics: General news, International incidents, Arrests, Ebola virus, Sitcoms, Legal proceedings, Crime, War and unrest, Accidents and disasters, Economy, Immigration, Recessions and depressions, Law and order, Hemorrhagic fever, Infectious diseases, Diseases and conditions, Health, Television programs, Entertainment, Arts and entertainment, Business, Social issues, Social affairs, Government and politics People, Places and Companies: Bill Cosby, Mike Nichols, Ban Ki-Moon, Anthony Fauci, Joe Biden, Shinzo Abe, Michael Brown, Elvis Presley, John Stamos, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Japan, Afghanistan, Germany, Guinea, Gambia, Egypt, Europe, Middle East, Greece, Pittsburgh, Honduras, Western Europe, North America, East Asia, Asia, Central Asia, West Africa, Africa, North Africa, Pennsylvania, Central America, Latin America and Caribbean Copyright 2014 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.